Sunday, October 17, 2010

Side Note

Yesterday we went to a friends house for breakfast and on the way we saw a bull moose, a mama moose, and the baby. We've never seen the whole family together. Usually you just see the mamas and the babies together, but not the dad's too!

Unfortunately, we did not have a camera with us and we were driving 60 mph by them, so you're going to have to use your imagination.


Ramblings said...

That must have been a little sign from God! Giving you a glimpse of a little 3-moose family, like the little 3-person family you guys are! Do you have snow yet?

~Sue said...

Goodness, great minds do think alike...I thought of your family of three when I read about the moose sighting! I hope we get to see some moose when we visit Anchorage in a month! Yes, we are finally coming your way. Sounds like not all of you will be in town :( but we hope to see at least 1 and 1/2! Our dates up there are the 19-21 of November.

Karie said...

LOVE YOU KRISTEN!!!! This is actually the first time I've seen your blog...for some reason I didn't know about it. You look amazing and I can't wait to meet your little eskimo princess:-)