My first post...
And I'm sorry it's not more uplifting.
Today is election day in Sierra Leone. Please pray for peace among the people. There are seven candidates running, none of whom would be good leaders, but the winner must win by 55%. If no one gets this precentage of votes, they just keep doing it over and over again. I am guessing that this will happen at least once, but my concern is if it keeps happening, what will this do to the people and when will it stop.
I think about how easy it is to vote in the states and just knowing that the election will be carried out fairly and we don't give peace a second thought. But for Sierra Leoneans, many did not even register to vote because they feel that the votes will not be counted correctly, or there is a good candidate to vote for so why vote, or living with the fear that this election could throw them into another civil war. Many times I hear people complaining about our government and I just wish that they knew how good they really have it.
Just a little background for you.
Please keep these people in your prayers today and these next few weeks.
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Grant's 9 Month Update
6 years ago
Хорошую зарплату. Ничто так не тушит безделье, как зажжённый энтузиазм. Вы сможете обеспечивать семью. Трудолюбивая пчела умеет собрать мед и с горьких цветов. От всех неприятностей, от всех бед можно найти только одно избавление - в работе. Добытое трудом потеряется бездельем. Жена упрекает, что вы не зарабатываете достаточно денег? Труд не есть добродетель, но необходимое условие добродетельной жизни.
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