Monday, September 20, 2010

Open House

Last week we had Open House at school. I don't really think I like Open House. It's like having all these people come into your home and snoop around and judge everything you have and do. I know my classroom isn't my home, but sometimes it feels like it.

And then there are the parents that want to have a full on conference with you while all the other parents are milling around you. Very awkward. This one parent wanted to discuss the fact that her son seemed to be doodling on all his papers. I wanted to tell her that was the least of her worries. I have had a little trouble with this boy and so I wanted to be honest with her about his behavior. She confided that she sees the same behavior at home and she just "doesn't know what to do anymore." This is not the first time I've heard this from a parent. Speaking of their 6 or 7 year old child, I have had numerous parents say this to me, like I have some miracle answer for them. First of all, I am not the parent of their child. Second of all, I'm not even a parent. Why should I be giving them advise. More over, why are they asking me anyway! And if you didn't notice, you can't give up on parenting them now, you still have 11 years to go!

While reading this post to make sure I spelled everything right, I'm realizing this may sound a little negative, but I don't have a negative tone. It's more of a matter-a-fact tone.


Julie said...

It's sad to think about parents giving up that early in the game. And as a parent, there is so much conflicting info out there, sometimes you just want an "expert" to tell you the answer. But I understand your frustration too...used to have the same thing at work.

Emilie said...

I know exactly what you mean! I have had many of the same conversations...or attempted conversations at Open house!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing us informative posts.