Saturday, August 29, 2009

First Week Activities

Our first week ended well! Wednesday and Thursday were a little rough with following directions and learning the routines, but Friday I think we turned a little corner. Here are some pics of what we did: art project, exploring our math manipulatives, and on Friday we were suppose to have a field trip to the park to have lunch and play some games, as you can see we got rained out but luckily the gym was open and we still got to play some of our team building games!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Final Product!

Here is what my classroom looked like today on my first day of school!

So, the first day of school, well, we all survived. The kids all lived, I lived, and I think we all had smiles on our faces at the end of the day. It was a busy day full of practice! Practice walking in the hall, practice going to the bathroom, practice going to lunch, practice lining up from lunch, practice coming to school, practice leaving school, practice, practice, practice.
Tomorrow, we're going to attempt to throw in some fire drill practice and earthquake drill practice!!! Wish us luck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Okay, so I couldn't get the before pictures to post first, so they are below on the next post and these are...

Here are some during pictures...
And the final pictures will come next week on the first day of school!

My classroom

Here are some before Pictures of the classroom...

Sunrise, Sunrise

looks like morning in your eyes...

Just a beautiful sunrise this morning. The first I've seen in a while! (oh does this mean winter is coming)