Sunday, September 27, 2009


I realized I had a bit of catch-up to do on the blog! Here are a couple of slide shows from things we did this month!

Last weekend was the Spouse's Appreciation Flight. There were two planes and they actually got it cleared to open the cargo door that they do all their air drop stuff out of, during the flight! We lucked out on our plane, the Load Masters kept it open almost the entire time! What an amazing way to view the beauty of Alaska!

Labor Day weekend was a big weekend for us! On Friday night, we decided that we would hike Crow's Pass on Sunday and Monday. Now that may not seem like a big deal, but Crow's Pass is a 26 mile hike! But before Sunday came, we decided to throw in a car purchase in our weekend too! The hike was amazing though, and we had the best weather! We hiked 19 miles the first day, camped out, and then hiked the additional 7 on Monday, which got us home by noon, so I could still get some school work done!


Kelsey said...

These pictures make me want to visit Alaska! It looks like you two have had some great adventures lately!

Jayci said...

that hike looks amazing. :) And so does the spouses' flight!!

I found your blog through your facebook link! I'm glad I did. HURRAY for blogs.